Bench x 3 / Weighted Chest to Bar, & Pistols

MONDAY 041113
Bench press 3-3-3-3-3
– Then –
For time:
90 Double-unders
18 Weighted chest to bar pull-ups
18 Right-legged pistols 
18 Left-legged pistols
15 Weighted chest to bar pull-ups
15 Right-legged pistols
15 Left-legged pistols
12 Weighted chest to bar pull-ups
12 Right-legged pistols
12 Left-legged pistols
90 Double-unders
– Use a 30lb dumbbell held between the legs or feet for the pull-ups. Any grip is allowed.
– Use a 30lb dumbbell for pistols. Pistol is a one legged squat.
Record results / post to comments.