2 Mates, 2 Heroes, 2 Rounds, 1 WOD


MONDAY 121118


McDonald & Galagher

2 rounds for time of:

Run 200m

16 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

16 pull-ups

16 front squats, 50/30kg

Run 200m

14 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

14 pull-ups

14 front squats, 50/30kg

Run 200m

12 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

12 pull-ups

12 front squats, 50/30kg




PTE Galagher & LCPL McDonald were serving together with the Special Operations Task Group in Afghanistan when they were tragically killed in a helicopter crash on 30 August, 2012.

McDonald enjoyed the heavy lifts such as front squats, and was known to swing up a kettlebell. Strength was his game. Therefore, the front squat and kettlebell swings are for him.

PTE Galagher was a man who loved his metabolic conditioning workouts. He was fast, strong, and quick to find a pull up bar for his fitness programming. The pull-ups and 200m run are for him.