Intro to Crossover Symmetry
By now you’ve noticed our Crossover Symmetry kit mounted to the wall by the stairs. Myself and the coaches have been using it for a few weeks now, becoming familiar with the exercises and some of the different programs it comprises. Now that we have learnt the technique involved and how to get the most out of it we can now get you using it correctly and getting the most out of it too for your shoulder health and overhead performance. The exercises have a lot of little nuances to the technique so be sure to have a coach take you through it until you have mastered it. Due to only having one kit this’ll need to be done prior to the beginning of your session. I’ll make myself available before and after class, just let me know when you’ll need me. Here’s a brief run down on what it’s all about.
Crossover Symmetry is a rotator cuff and scapular strengthening system designed to activate and strengthen the stabilising muscles of the shoulder complex. Using it can provide relief from shoulder pain caused from impingement, reduce risk of injury to the shoulder complex, and improve your overhead performance.
There are 4 phases to the CS system. Activation, Recovery, Plyometric, and Iron Scap.
The Activation phase is the most important and can be done prior to any workout to activate the essential structures of the shoulder complex and help correct the position of the scapular.
The other 3 phases are done post workout but not on the same day. If you have some pre-existing shoulder pain or dysfunction then using the right post workout protocols at the appropriate times can help. I can go into more detail on this with you but the first step for learning to use CS is Acvtivation.
The exercises belonging to each phase are detailed on the CS chart. The chart lists the exercises in the correct order to be done, which level resistance band to use, at what height to the wall is the band attached, and how many reps are performed.
I really hope to see you take advantage of the CS system. Get yourselves SCAPJACKED!!