KB Swing, Burpee, Pull-Up, STOH, Box Jump, Row, & DU


MONDAY 091115


AMRAP in 3 minutes of:

25 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

20 burpees

25 pull-ups

20 shoulder to overhead, 60/40kg

25 box jumps, 24/20″

20-cal row

100 double-unders

Rest 1 minute

AMRAP in 6 minutes of:

25 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

20 burpees

25 pull-ups

20 shoulder to overhead, 60/40kg

25 box jumps, 24/20″

20-cal row

100 double-unders

Rest 2 minutes

For time:

25 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

20 burpees

25 pull-ups

20 shoulder to overhead, 60/40kg

25 box jumps, 24/20″

20-cal row

100 double-unders