December 11, 2011

SUNDAY 111211
Pressing snatch balance 1-1-1
Heaving snatch balance 1-1-1
Snatch balance 1-1-1
Attempt to progressively increase the load through each and all of the 9 sets with the final set of each movement being as near as possible to a 1 rep maximium for that movement.
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Pressing Snatch Balance starts with a barbell racked across the back of the shoulders as it would be for a back squat with hands in a Snatch grip. Start with your feet in the catch or landing position. Press the barbell up as you drive yourself into the bottom of an Overhead Squat.


Heaving Snatch Balance starts with a barbell racked across the back of the shoulders as it would be for a back squat with hands in a Snatch grip. Start with your feet in the catch or landing position. Dip as you would for a Jerk and drive yourself into the bottom of an Overhead Squat, catching with arms locked, without moving the feet from the floor.


Snatch Balance starts with a barbell racked across the back of the shoulders as it would be for a back squat with hands in a Snatch grip. Start with your feet in the pulling position. Dip and drive at the knees to unload the bar momentarily, and transition the feet to the receiving position while driving yourself into the bottom of an overhead squat.