Back squat
*Add no more than 10kg each set up to a heavy 5.
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
Run 800 metres
1 Hang power clean, 50/35kg
1 Push jerk, 50/35kg
2 Hang power cleans, 50/35kg
2 Push jerks, 50/35kg
3 Hang power cleans, 50/35kg
3 Push jerks, 50/35kg
4 Hang power cleans, 50/35kg
4 Push jerks, 50/35kg
5 of each… 6 of each… 7 of each, and so on…
Post results to comments.
What’s the difference among the clean (and snatch) types?
“Team Workout”
AMRAP in 30 minutes of:
15 Box jump overs, 24/20″
12 Wall balls, 9/6kg
9 Pull-ups
*Work in teams of 4 with one person working at a time. For example, athlete one will complete one full round, then athlete 2 will go, and so on.
Can I please get a bunch of you to park across the road from where we normally park for Saturdays session? It’s the next entry on the right-hand side after the entry into our carpark. With Saturdays being so busy we are placing a large demand on car spaces that is upsetting our neighbouring businesses. Thanks crew!
Front squat 5rm
AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
1 Burpee
1 Pull-up
2 Burpees
2 Pull-ups
3 Burpees
3 Pull-ups
4 of each… 5 of each… 6 of each… and so on until time lapses.
Record 5rm and rounds and reps completed.
Ground-to-Overhead 1RM
*Barbell must travel from ground-to-shoulder then shoulder-to-overhead.
*Use whichever technique will allow you the biggest load successfully lifted.
*For ground-to-shoulder you can use, muscle clean, power clean, split clean, squat clean, deadlift-and-(any clean variation from the hang).
*For shoulder-to-overhead you can use, shoulder press, push press, push jerk, split jerk etc.
*Take as many attempts as needed within time-cap of 15 minutes.
*Although you will work up to your max, if you peak early in the time cap continue to lift at a lighter weight to practice technique.
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 Pull-ups
5 Front squats, 80/60kg
Post time to comments.
Check out some awesome lifting action in this vid. Can you see the technique used by the best to go ground-to-shoulder shoulder-to-overhead? It’s a clean and jerk.