Bear Complex


MONDAY 230718


Bear Complex

1 power clean

1 front squat

1 push press

1 back squat

1 push press

Perform the complex 7 times for one round. Do a total of 5 rounds increasing the load each round to find your max. Putting the bar down during the round is not allowed. Your result is the heaviest load for which you successfully complete the round without putting the bar down and meeting each movement standard on each rep. Rest as needed between each round.




Dubs, Bear Complex, & Kettlebell Swings


TUESDAY 140616


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

40 double-unders

1 bear complex, 70/50kg

10 kettlebell swings, 32/24kg


Bear complex:

Power clean

Front squat

Shoulder to overhead

Back squat

Shoulder to overhead


Complete the complex from start to finish, with full range of motion on each of the exercises, for the rep to count. Start the complex over again if you fail to make it through to the end.



Bear Complex


FRIDAY 060215


Bear Complex


1 power clean

1 front squat

1 push press

1 back squat

1 push press


Perform the complex 7 times for one round. Do a total of 5 rounds increasing the load each round to find your max. Putting the bar down during the round is not allowed. Your result is the heaviest load for which you successfully complete the round without putting the bar down and meeting each movement standard on each rep. Rest as needed between each round.




August 27, 2012

“The Bear Complex”
1 Power clean
1 Front squat 
1 Push press
1 Back squat
1 Push press
Perform the complex 7 times for one round. Do a total of 5 rounds increasing the load each round to find your max. Putting the bar down during the round is not allowed. Your result is the heaviest load for which you successfully complete the round without putting the bar down and meeting each movement standard on each rep. Rest as needed between each round. Check out the demo vid 🙂
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