FRIDAY 231216
3 attempts to establish:
5-rep-max bench press
10 minute time cap.
3 rounds for time of:
27 push-ups with hand-release
21 deadlifts, 100/70kg
15 strict knees to elbows
FRIDAY 231216
3 attempts to establish:
5-rep-max bench press
10 minute time cap.
3 rounds for time of:
27 push-ups with hand-release
21 deadlifts, 100/70kg
15 strict knees to elbows
FRIDAY 021216
3 attempts to establish:
1-rep-max bench press
10 minute time cap.
3 rounds for time of:
40 push-ups
50 sit-ups
60 squats
3 attempts to establish:
3-rep-max bench press
10 minute time cap.
4 rounds for time of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 burpees
2 legless rope climbs, 15ft.
FRIDAY 041116
5 rounds for max reps of:
Body-weight bench presses
Rope climbs, 15ft.
This is not a timed workout. Rest as needed between rounds. Rope climbs are touch-and-go.
FRIDAY 281016
3 attempts to establish:
5-rep-max bench press
10 minute time cap.
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
5 wall balls
1 muscle-up
10 wall balls
2 muscle-ups
15 wall balls
3 muscle-ups
20 wall balls
4 muscle-ups
25 wall balls
5 muscle-ups
30 wall balls
6 muscle-ups
Continue increasing the wall ball reps by 5, and muscle-up reps by 1 each round for as long as you can.