December 31, 2012

As many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
7 Deadlifts, 110/70kg
7 Chest to bar pull-ups
*Perform each movement with unbroken reps. Do not proceed to the next movement until an unbroken set has been achieved. For example, touch and go reps for the deadlifts (do not release or relax on the bar as you touch and go), and do not come off the bar during the pull-up set.
Post rounds and reps completed to comments.

October 9, 2012

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of:
Ring push-ups
Chest to bar pull-ups
*7 wall touches between rounds at 9/8′
* this workout includes a penalty for breaking a set.
* coming off the bar or off the rings or resting in a position that is not part of the typical movement is considered breaking.
* the penalty is a 5 calorie row for each time you break.
*penalty is completed at the end of the workout.
Post time and total calories, if any, to comments.
5 Sleep Tips for CrossFitters