Back Squat 1RM / Airbike, DB Snatch, & Burpee

MONDAY 271014
Back squat 1RM
Work up to the heaviest single rep possible.
In 12 minutes complete in pairs or trios:
15 calorie airbike
30 dumbbell snatch, 50/30lb
21 burpees
12 calorie airbike
24 dumbbell snatch, 50/30lb
18 burpees
9 calorie airbike
18 dumbbell snatch, 50/30lb
15 burpees
Max calories airbike
One person will begin on the airbike. The next person will go once the person in front has moved onto the snatch. Follow workout through in the same format except for the burpees which can be started without waiting for the person in front to finish their burpees. Max calories on bike are done as a team, rotating on the bike as needed.

DB Snatch, Run, & Lunge

AMRAP in 22 minutes of:
16 dumbbell snatch, 70/50lb
Run 200m with plate, 20/15kg
18 front rack lunges, 40/30kg
Run 200m with plate, 20/15kg
16 dumbbell snatch, 50/30lb
Run 200m with plate, 15/10kg
18 front rack lunges, 30/20kg
Run 200m with plate, 15/10kg

Weighted Dips/DB Snatch, Double Unders, & Squats

MONDAY 040814
Weighted dips 5-5-5-5-5
If you’re unable to do weighted do BW, or use a slingshot, making it hard enough that you’re challenged to complete the set and do 5 x 5 at that level. If you choose right you’ll get 4 sets of 5 completed but will likely not finish the last set but you’ll get close, or only just get it out.
If you’re able to do weighted work up to the heaviest 5 possible without making too great a jump in weight between sets. Get some work done.
For time:
25 pull-ups
5 rounds of:
10 dumbbell snatch, 70/50lb
50 double unders
10 goblet squats, 70/50lb
25 pull-ups