MONDAY 311016
For time:
20-calorie bike
30 toes to bars
40 shoulder to overhead, 60/40kg
50 pull-ups
40 burpees
30 one-legged squats, alternating legs
20-calorie row
MONDAY 311016
For time:
20-calorie bike
30 toes to bars
40 shoulder to overhead, 60/40kg
50 pull-ups
40 burpees
30 one-legged squats, alternating legs
20-calorie row
7 rounds for time of:
21 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
12 one-legged squats
1 legless rope climb, 15ft.
TUESDAY 280616
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
10 dumbbell snatch, 70/50lb
8 one legged squats
2 rope climbs, 15ft.
8 one legged squats
FRIDAY 100616
Back squat 20RM
With approx. 60-70% of 1RM, one unbroken set of back squats.
Tabata double-unders
Tabata pistols
Tabata double-unders
Score is lowest scoring interval from the 8 intervals for each exercise, i.e 36/9/36. Scale to single-unders and squats.
AMRAP in 21 minutes of:
1 legless rope climb, 15ft.
6 shoulder to overhead, 60/40kg
10 pistols