5 rounds for time of:
60 double-unders
10 power snatch, 50/35kg
15 wall balls, 9/6kg
5 rounds for time of:
60 double-unders
10 power snatch, 50/35kg
15 wall balls, 9/6kg
For time:
21 deadlifts
18 pull-ups
15 power cleans
12 chest to bar pull-ups
9 power snatch
6 bar muacle-ups
30 burpees
6 bar muscle-ups
9 power snacth
12 chest to bar pull-ups
15 power cleans
18 pull-ups
21 deadlifts
Weight 60/40kg
TUESDAY 080915
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
50 double-unders
1 legless rope climb
5 power snatch, 60/40kg
10 burpees jumping over the barbell
There are 400 kids living with Type 1 diabetes in the Hunter with another 50 to 60 newly diagnosed each year. For Jack and many others with Type 1 diabetes, it takes 5 insulin injections and 10 finger pricks each day to regulate and monitor blood sugar levels. The Artificial Pancreas program underway at the Hunter Medical Research Institute aims to simplify diabetes management and could be a godsend for patients and carers. It’s early days however and more funds are needed to help refine the system. Any donations no matter how small can help make a difference.
MONDAY 220615
Hang squat snatch 7×1
For time:
Power snatch, 35/25kg
TUESDAY 040515
Squat snatch 2-2-2-2-2
3 rounds of:
25 power snatch, 35/25kg
Run 400m