MONDAY 160614
Shoulder press 4-4-4-4-4
– Be sure to use heavier loads across your sets than you’ve been using for the 5 x 5 work. For example start heavier (and closer to where you’ll max out), finish heavier, or keep the load steady and do all sets with a weight that only just allows completion of the set. Less overall reps compared to 5 x 5 means it’s important to move more weight to keep the workload up where we need it.
3 rounds for time of:
25 overhead squats, 42/30kg
4 rope climbs,15′
MONDAY 030214
Front squat 3-3-3
– then –
7 Rounds for time of:
3 Shoulder press, 50/35kg (keep legs straight, no leg drive)
5 Thrusters, 50/35kg
7 Back squats, 50/35kg
– Do 5 burpees over the bar each time the bar is returned to the ground to rest.
– 90 Double under buy-out.
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