February 19, 2013

Power clean 
*10 minutes, including warm-ups sets, to work up to the heaviest possible single for the day using this method… Increase load in sets of 5 up to a heavy 5 then… increase load in sets of 3 up to a heavy triple then… increase load in sets of 1 up to the heaviest possible single for the day.
Rest 5 minutes
Seven rounds for time of:
7 Push jerks, 70/50kg
7 Chest to bar pull-ups
7 Burpees
*20 minute time cap
Post loads and time to comments.

February 4, 2013

Back squat 
*Add no more than 10kg each set up to a heavy 5.
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
Run 800 metres
1 Hang power clean, 50/35kg
1 Push jerk, 50/35kg
2 Hang power cleans, 50/35kg
2 Push jerks, 50/35kg
3 Hang power cleans, 50/35kg
3 Push jerks, 50/35kg
4 Hang power cleans, 50/35kg
4 Push jerks, 50/35kg
5 of each… 6 of each… 7 of each, and so on…
Post results to comments.
What’s the difference among the clean (and snatch) types?

December 4, 2012

Push jerk 3-3-3-3-3
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 rep rounds for time:
Deadlift, 70/50
Hang power clean, 70/50
*Aim to do each round unbroken. For example complete 1 deadlift and 1 hang power clean unbroken, or 2 or 3 0r 4 etc. of each unbroken. If you break a round perform 3 burpees for each break.
Post load and time to comments.