MONDAY 290517
For time, wearing a weight vest:
Run 1200m
Then, 12 rounds of:
4 strict handstand push-ups
8 chest to bar pull-ups
12 squats
Men wear a 20lb. vest
Women wear a 14lb. vest
MONDAY 290517
For time, wearing a weight vest:
Run 1200m
Then, 12 rounds of:
4 strict handstand push-ups
8 chest to bar pull-ups
12 squats
Men wear a 20lb. vest
Women wear a 14lb. vest
MONDAY 160516
For time:
1000m bike
10 wall climbs
10 overhead squats, 100/70kg
500m row
50 bar facing burpees
5 overhead squats, 100/70kg
MONDAY 090516
In 9 minutes:
104 wall balls, 9/6kg, 10ft.
52 pull-ups
1 minute rest then:
4 rounds for time of:
28 pistols
15 power cleans, 52/35kg
Time cap: 15 minutes (10:00-25:00 on the clock)