Josh & Snatch


FRIDAY 160617



For time:

21 overhead squats, 43/30kg

42 pull-ups

15 overhead squats, 43/30kg

30 pull-ups

9 overhead squats, 43/30kg

18 pull-ups




1-rep-max squat snatch



21-15-9 Complex


TUESDAY 120716


For time:

8 deadlifts, 70/50kg

7 cleans, 70/50kg

6 snatches, 70/50kg

8 pull-ups

7 chest to bar pull-ups

6 bar muscle-ups

6 deadlifts, 70/50kg

5 cleans, 70/50kg

4 snatches, 70/50kg

6 pull-ups

5 chest to bar pull-ups

4 bar muscle-ups

4 deadlifts, 70/50kg

3 cleans, 70/50kg

2 snatches, 70/50kg

4 pull-ups

3 chest to bar pull-ups

2 bar muscle-ups