FRIDAY 160617
For time:
21 overhead squats, 43/30kg
42 pull-ups
15 overhead squats, 43/30kg
30 pull-ups
9 overhead squats, 43/30kg
18 pull-ups
1-rep-max squat snatch
FRIDAY 160617
For time:
21 overhead squats, 43/30kg
42 pull-ups
15 overhead squats, 43/30kg
30 pull-ups
9 overhead squats, 43/30kg
18 pull-ups
1-rep-max squat snatch
For time:
30 muscle-ups
Rest 5 minutes
30 snatches, 60/40kg
5 rounds for time of:
6 clean and jerks, 60/40kg
2 rope climbs, 15ft.
6 snatches, 60/40kg
2 rope climbs, 15ft.
TUESDAY 120716
For time:
8 deadlifts, 70/50kg
7 cleans, 70/50kg
6 snatches, 70/50kg
8 pull-ups
7 chest to bar pull-ups
6 bar muscle-ups
6 deadlifts, 70/50kg
5 cleans, 70/50kg
4 snatches, 70/50kg
6 pull-ups
5 chest to bar pull-ups
4 bar muscle-ups
4 deadlifts, 70/50kg
3 cleans, 70/50kg
2 snatches, 70/50kg
4 pull-ups
3 chest to bar pull-ups
2 bar muscle-ups
Squat snatch 10-8-6-4- and 2 reps
This is a timed workout with increasing loads each set. Record time and loads used.