MONDAY 090718
For time:
30 clean and jerks, 61/43kg
Tabata squat
Max reps of double-unders in 4 minutes
MONDAY 090718
For time:
30 clean and jerks, 61/43kg
Tabata squat
Max reps of double-unders in 4 minutes
TUESDAY 190618
Hang power clean 3-3-3-3-3
4 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
50 squats
FRIDAY 040518
“Hotshots 19”
6 rounds for time of:
30 squats
19 power cleans, 61/43kg
7 strict pull-ups
Run 400m
FRIDAY 291217
6 rounds for time of:
50 double-unders
25 squats
25 sit-ups
5 cleans, 85/55kg
3 rounds for time of:
Run 500m
6 rope climbs, 15ft.
70 squats