February 2, 2013

“Team Workout”
AMRAP in 30 minutes of:
15 Box jump overs, 24/20″
12 Wall balls, 9/6kg
9 Pull-ups
*Work in teams of 4 with one person working at a time. For example, athlete one will complete one full round, then athlete 2 will go, and so on. 
Can I please get a bunch of you to park across the road from where we normally park for Saturdays session? It’s the next entry on the right-hand side after the entry into our carpark. With Saturdays being so busy we are placing a large demand on car spaces that is upsetting our neighbouring businesses. Thanks crew!

December 29, 2012

Team WOD 1
As a team, max distance row in 30 minutes.
*Each team member must row a 300 metre pull upon their turn, no more and no less.
*Each team member must row at least 3 times.
*There must be one team member holding the lockout position of a push-up at all times during the 30 minutes. 300 metres will be deducted from the total for each occurrence where the position is lost. A straight body position must be maintained with only the feet and hands in contact with the ground and elbows fully extended.
*Damper setting must be set at 6.
Team WOD 2
As a team, max kilograms ground-to-overhead, passing through a full squat, in 10 minutes. 
*Each team has one bar with a pre-determined weight.
*The weight cannot be changed once it has been set.
*Each team member must complete at least 10 lifts each.
*Use loads in factors of ten only. For example, 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 60kg, etc.
*Possible result, for example may be, 100 reps at 30kg = 3000kg, or 150 reps at 20kg = 3000kg
**WOD 1 and 2 will be completed on a continuously running clock.
**5 person teams.
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December 8, 2012

Team WOD
2 rounds for time of:
30 Box jump overs, 24/20
300 metre row
20 Push press, 40/30
20 Toes thru rings
100 metre sled push, 60/40
10 Atlas stone G2S, 54/34
*1 person will start and each team member will follow once the required reps at each station are completed until all members have completed 2 rounds.
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May 2, 2012

Team Wod
For time:
Row 10k
*teams of 3 cycling continously with each team member completing 250 metres before rotating.
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January 20, 2012

‘Team wod’
With a 20/15kg bar each team performs AMRAP of chest to overhead in 10 minutes. Bar cannot be set down. If the bar is set down a 5 burpee penalty applies for each instance to all team members and must be performed immediately.
Result is total reps divided by team members.
For time:
With only one person running at a time run a total of  800 metres for each team member. For example 2 person team runs 1600 metres. Distances, workload, frequency etc. can be split between team members any which way.
Result is time in seconds divided by team members.
Overall result=seconds minus reps. Lowest score is best.
Post results to comments.